Thursday, December 30, 2010

500 Point Battle Report

So I played a 500 point game with my friend Damos from  in order to try and test out one of my 500 point lists for the escalation league. We played on a 3' by 4' board with a few bits and pieces of terrain here and there. I was playing this list:

Captain Taron: 155pts
-2xLightning Claws
-Jump Pack
Assault Squad Reevax: 220pts
-Power Fist
Fast Attack:
Bike Squad Shrax: 125pts

And Damos played his 500 point Iron Hands list:

Master of the Forge: 135pts
-Thunder Hammer
-Storm Bolter
Terminators: 230pts
-Assault Cannon
Scout Squad: 135pts
-Missile Launcher

So we rolled to see who got first turn and I won the roll. We were just going to play a simple annihilation match with pitch battle deployment. I set up the bikers on my right flank, and then placed my assault squad on the left. He then set up his scout squad on a piece of terrain on my right, and then the terminators with the MotF in the middle. I new I would have to take out his scouts quickly and then try and team up on his terminators with both squads. He rolled for the steal and got.... a six. Cool, well this was going to make this game a little more interesting.




Turn 1
So Damos takes his first turn. He moves his terminators up a little and then shoots my bikers with his scout squad. Tellion hits once and then the 3 sniper scouts hit my bikers as well, while the missile scout misses horribly. Tellion wounds and puts it on the sergeant, while 2 of the snipers wound as well. I thought to my self; "3 saves, that's a piece of cake!" Well I made the sergeant's save, but failed the 2 other ones. So that means I already lost half the squad, thankfully I make my pinning and leadership check though. Now it's my turn. I turbo-boost the bikes right in front of the scout squad, then my Assault Squad moves up 12 inches, but unfortunately 1 assault marine falls to his death due to a dangerous terrain test. I end my turn.

Turn 2
On turn 2 Damos moves his terminators back to the position they were in at the start of the game and then shoots the assault squad, taking out 3 more due to more saving on my part. He then shoots the bikers with the sniper scouts, but because of my 3+ cover save they survive the fire. Then on my turn I move up with the assault marines again and try and hug as much cover as I can. I shoot the bikes at the scouts, but fail to wound them at all. In the assault phase I charge the scouts with the bikes, but the meltagun biker kills himself, so I'm stuck just with the sergeant in combat, who then whiffs and gets beaten up by tellion and his scouts. 

Turn 3
Damos moves his Terminators to the side a bit so he can see more than half of the squad, and then shoots at them with both the scouts and the terminators. After all the shooting I lose 2 more marines plus the sergeant with a power fist. I make my leadership and pinning checks and then on my turn I promptly move up and charge into the terminator squad with my assault squad. My captain goes first and kills 3 terminators! The 2 remaining assault marines don't do anything, and the terminator sergeant tries to get my captain but fails to do anything. The last terminator and the Master of the Forge kill one of the assault marines. I win combat by 2, but The squad makes their leadership test.

Turn 4
The scouts stay where they are, and we enter the combat phase. The captain is able to kill the terminator sergeant before he is killed by the last remaining power fist terminator and then the Master of the Forge kills the last marine.

 Iron Hands win

So not the best first game for the Night Lords. We later played another game with the same setup where I did much better, but in both games I had pretty bad luck when it came to armor saves.I guess that happens sometimes though. It also didn't help that I had to come to him in order to do anything, but I really can't complain because I usually play more aggressive style lists (mainly because I come from playing Tyranids for 2 years). Either way it was a fun night at the local game store, and I can't wait to try out the Night Lords again. Though I will say that I did order new dice after our game was finished lol.

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