Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Some of the stuff I already have

Here's the stuff that I had collected for the Night Lords army before my forgeworld stuff arrived.

As I figured I would make a post Council of Nikea army, I got 2 chappies for the army.

Here's the model I plan on using for my captain.

and here's my company champion

These are the terminators I plan to use for the army as well, however, they still require a lot of work before they're done.

Here's the one Mk1 Rhino that I have at the moment.
So that's what I have for the army right now, minus the Forgeworld stuff of course. I hope to get a couple of bikes soon as well and the rest of the bits that I need to finish the termies, my captain, and my champion. I have found a pretty good Bits site though, so it shouldn't be to hard to get the stuff I need. And yes, I know I need to get a better camera and a better place to take picture, It's all on the list of things to do.

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